MacBook Pro

“StandardBoostd / ElementaryTyped / ManagerAnalogd will damage your computer” virus popup on Mac

“StandardBoostd / ElementaryTyped / ManagerAnalogd will damage your computer” virus popup on Mac

Here is a workaround to get rid of Mac pop-up alerts saying that StandardBoostd, ElementaryTyped, or ManagerAnalogd will damage your computer.

Remove Silver Sparrow malware from Mac

Remove Silver Sparrow malware from Mac

Malware authors broke new ground again by launching a Mac threat dubbed Silver Sparrow that has versions infecting machines with M1 and Intel chips on board.

Intego Mac Premium Bundle X9 review

Intego Mac Premium Bundle X9 review

Intego Mac Premium Bundle X9 is an incredibly effective toolkit to get your Mac experience covered from both security and performance angles.

Mac M1 virus: the first-ever malware targeting Apple Silicon is here

Mac M1 virus: the first-ever malware targeting Apple Silicon is here

Malware authors broke new ground by creating a strain that runs on the latest Mac models with innovative ARM-based M1 processors on board.

“macOS cannot verify that this app is free from malware”: a workaround for the alert

“macOS cannot verify that this app is free from malware”: a workaround for the alert

This article explains what the notification saying “macOS cannot verify that this app is free from malware” means and how to act if you hit this roadblock.

Google fixes an actively exploited zero-day bug in Chrome

Google fixes an actively exploited zero-day bug in Chrome

A recent Chrome update takes care of a high-risk flaw that could have been weaponized by North Korean threat actors in attacks against security researchers.