MacBook Pro

Remove 123movies virus ads from Safari, Chrome, Firefox on Mac

Remove 123movies virus ads from Safari, Chrome, Firefox on Mac

Learn how to stop annoying web push ads by 123movies that incessantly pop up after Mac users give this dubious service permission to show notifications.

Researchers found an unfixable bug in Apple’s T2 Security Chip

Researchers found an unfixable bug in Apple’s T2 Security Chip

A team of hackers has recently brought jailbreak-style techniques to the Mac by exploiting an unorthodox flaw in the T2 Security Chip.

Recent macOS Mojave security update got out of hand

Recent macOS Mojave security update got out of hand

A buggy security update for macOS Mojave has caused numerous users to struggle with sluggish performance and other serious errors.

How to fix accountsd high CPU usage virus process on macOS Catalina 10.15.7 and later

How to fix accountsd high CPU usage virus process on macOS Catalina 10.15.7 and later

Find out what triggers abnormal CPU usage by accountsd process on Mac computers running Catalina and get an effective workaround for the problem.

Remove "Do you want to download f.txt.js" pop-up virus from Mac

Remove "Do you want to download f.txt.js" pop-up virus from Mac

If pop-ups that mention f.txt.js file are incessantly interrupting web browsing sessions on a Mac, the right response is to get rid of the underlying malware.

How to remove Smokyashan virus from Mac

How to remove Smokyashan virus from Mac

When infected with the Smokyashan virus, a Mac computer encounters a condition where its web browsing features get out of hand due to abrupt misconfiguration.