MacBook Air

“ReceiverHelper will damage your computer” Mac malware removal

“ReceiverHelper will damage your computer” Mac malware removal

Remove "Receiver Helper will damage your computer" virus from Mac to remedy the affected web browser and stop obnoxious pop-ups saying that this application will damage your computer.

How to stop Gamecontrollerd Mac daemon from launching on macOS

How to stop Gamecontrollerd Mac daemon from launching on macOS

Mac users who noticed the gamecontrollerd process running in the background should read this to learn what it is and how to address the dubious situation.

“Vpnagentd will damage your computer” error removal on Mac

“Vpnagentd will damage your computer” error removal on Mac

Read this to learn the causes for the ‘Vpnagentd will damage your computer’ alerts on Mac and the workarounds for this annoying problem.

How to clear search history on Mac

How to clear search history on Mac

Here is a round-up of techniques to manually delete search history in the most popular web browsers used across the Mac territory.

How to fix “Safari can’t establish a secure connection” error on Mac

How to fix “Safari can’t establish a secure connection” error on Mac

This article covers effective methods to stop the “Safari can’t establish a secure connection” warning page from appearing in the web browser on Mac.

Get rid of “ServiceRecords will damage your computer” popup alert on Mac

Get rid of “ServiceRecords will damage your computer” popup alert on Mac

If macOS says a process named ServiceRecords will damage your computer, this might be worse than a mere nuisance and should be interpreted as a call to action.