Your iOS device is probably filled with important and personal information. If you’re a gamer, it’s imperative that you keep this information safe from malware, scams, and hardware damage. In this article, we’ll talk about the eight most important steps you should take as an iOS device user without having to compromise on your gaming experiences.
Use a strong password that contains symbols
Having a strong password for your logins will prevent many of the security issues people face with their iOS devices. A good password has four main factors:
- It contains at least ten characters
- It includes at least one number placed randomly throughout
- It includes symbols within the password
- It contains at least one variation of capitalization
For example, if your password needs to be something you can easily remember, like ‘clockworkorange’, adjust this to Cl0ckWorkOr@nge. This password contains a number, a symbol, and a variation of capital letters, making it almost impossible to guess.
Choose games from reputable developers
iOS is an operating system that constantly strives to provide their users with Mac games from the most reputable sources. But some do slip through the cracks, since iOS games are still available from an open source selection. Games are being added to your search menu every day, and not all of these are on the up and up.
As you game on your device, you’ll quickly learn the names of game developers and notice the quality of the games they offer Apple users. If you happen to spot a game you want but don’t recognize the developer's name, do some research first and check what others have said about it.
Install a good VPN
A VPN not only gives you more web access, but it also protects your device data by adding multiple layers of encryption to it. VPNs make it virtually impossible for others to hack your device, especially while you’re gaming in a public area or using public Wi-Fi hotspots. Even playing on your device at a friend's house can put you at risk of malware, so safety measures should be taken.
It’s worth paying a small monthly or annual fee for a VPN that guarantees device safety and kills a connection when online danger is perceived. This is doubly true for gamers who frequent online platforms and engage with other users. If you’re online with your iOS device, always make sure your VPN is activated.
Back up your data once a month
Some games keep us hooked for months or even years, allowing us to enjoy our game progress over a long period of time. Make sure you don’t lose your progress or any of the virtual goodies you’ve accumulated over time. Back up your gaming device to the cloud so that if your device becomes compromised or damaged, you can always restore your favorite game.
Regularly update your iOS device
Your iOS device comes with built-in security software because Apple is determined to provide basic safety measures for its users. But this software needs to be regularly updated along with the regular updates your device prompts you to initiate. Don’t ignore these update notifications. Keep your device safe by always doing your due diligence and keeping it properly updated.
Use double authentication processes
Keeping your iOS device safe from the hands and eyes of others is another way to protect your data. Theft or even tampering can be a reality for someone who has one of these nifty gadgets, so a two-point authentication process is recommended.
If you already have a PIN, consider adding fingerprint authentication too. Voice authentication and face recognition are other ways you can prevent others from accessing your data. Apple is continually coming out with new authentication steps for their devices, and most of these won’t take away from your convenience of using the device.
Educate yourself on phishing trends
YouTube is packed with hilarious revenge videos on scammers who attempt to steal personal information from unsuspecting people. These scammers are always coming up with new tactics, so these videos help educate us on what their newest strategies are. Find out what common phishing scams take place on iOS devices, and keep your eye out for suspicious messages and phone calls.
Get a robust cover and screen protector for your device
Your hardware is just as important as your software. As a gamer, you probably enjoy using your device in all sorts of places, not necessarily only at home. Dropping your device or scratching it is a real danger for something so expensive and indispensable, so make sure to invest in a good screen cover and a jacket cover for your tablet or phone.
Wrapping up
With thousands of excellent game options for iOS devices, you’ll be spoiled for choice. Chances are you’ll be spending plenty of time on your device trying them out and settling on one that you can play for a long time. Don’t let the fun become interrupted because of a lack of safety measures. Invest in these security protocols and always keep each iOS device you own safe from internal and external harm.