How-Tos MacBook Pro
How to remove QSearch virus from Safari, Chrome, Firefox on Mac
QSearch virus removal from Mac is a must-do because it takes over web browsers to redirect the traffic to a social search service the victims didn’t ask for.
Remove Gsecurecontent pop-up virus in Safari, Chrome, Firefox on Mac
This article shines the light on a surge of pop-up and browser redirect activity involving URL and lists tips to remove the adware from Mac.
Remove imklaunchagent process virus from Mac
Although imklaunchagent is, ideally, a legitimate macOS component, malware can mimic it to run undetected and disrupt the system’s normal functioning.
How to remove Safari Redirect Virus on Mac
With the Mac Safari Virus running rampant in the macOS environment these days, the tips in this article will point affected users in the right direction.
Remove "ZEUS Virus Detected" Mac warning from Safari, Chrome and Firefox
Get rid of Zeus virus alert hoax on Mac, which is caused by malicious code hijacking Safari and other browsers in order to dupe users into wasting money.
How to remove GoSearch virus from Mac
Once the GoSearch threat surreptitiously infiltrates a Mac, it causes unwanted browser redirects and a series of other issues while surviving regular removal.