Remove FBI virus on iPhone
This post covers the methodology to remove the fake FBI alert on iPhone and provides helpful recommendations on preventing cyberattacks of this kind.
Remove XcodeGhost malware (Xcode Ghost) from infected iOS device
Learn the ins and outs of the XcodeGhost attack targeting iOS users via infected applications, and evade the privacy risks that may emanate from this hoax.
Injecting Malware into iOS Devices via Malicious Chargers 5 - Problems and Fixes
The final part of the presentation covers the problems that may prevent the Mactans attack from getting through and the applicable workarounds for those.
Injecting Malware into iOS Devices via Malicious Chargers 4 - Pulling off the Mactans Attack
Yeongjin Jang and Billy Lau now provide a demo of how the actual Mactans charger can be used to pull off an attack on an iOS device.
Injecting Malware into iOS Devices via Malicious Chargers 3 - Installing an Arbitrary Hidden App
Yeongjin Jang provides further insight into the Mactans attack by describing provisioning profile obtaining process and installing a hidden app onto iOS device.
Injecting Malware into iOS Devices via Malicious Chargers 2 - Overview of the Mactans Attack
Billy Lau and Yeongjin Jang continue their Black Hat talk with describing the Mactans attack proper, including the charger’s properties and the attack phases.