How-Tos Mac Pro
How to remove Shroomcourt malware from Mac
Learn how to uninstall Shroomcourt, a malicious Mac application that redirects a browser to and covertly monitors the user’s actions.
Remove Kuklorest virus ( from Mac
This write-up describes the Kuklorest Mac threat and gives insights into methods to uninstall it from an infected system and fix an affected web browser.
Search Snow virus: remove Safari/Chrome/Firefox redirect from Mac
If incessantly redirected to, Mac users should apply a malware removal procedure to address the browser hijack and fix the skewed preferences.
How to remove QSearch virus from Safari, Chrome, Firefox on Mac
QSearch virus removal from Mac is a must-do because it takes over web browsers to redirect the traffic to a social search service the victims didn’t ask for.
Remove Gsecurecontent pop-up virus in Safari, Chrome, Firefox on Mac
This article shines the light on a surge of pop-up and browser redirect activity involving URL and lists tips to remove the adware from Mac.
Remove imklaunchagent process virus from Mac
Although imklaunchagent is, ideally, a legitimate macOS component, malware can mimic it to run undetected and disrupt the system’s normal functioning.