How-Tos MacBook Pro

How to fix XprotectService Mac high CPU problem

How to fix XprotectService Mac high CPU problem

When a macOS process named XprotectService siphons off too much CPU, this could be either the system’s normal anti-malware activity or an anomaly.

Does TLauncher have a virus? Here is what you should know

Does TLauncher have a virus? Here is what you should know

TLauncher, a popular tool to run Minecraft with no strings attached, has been rumored to contain spyware for years; but let’s see if there’s a reason to worry.

Remove “Browser is infected” pop-up virus from Mac

Remove “Browser is infected” pop-up virus from Mac

A recent deluge of pop-up alerts on Macs saying ‘Browser is infected’ is a call to action as it signals a malvertising scam that pushes rogue software.

How to get rid of notifications on Mac

How to get rid of notifications on Mac

Learn several easy ways to stop annoying notifications on Mac, keeping in mind that the applicable method must align with the origin of such pop-ups.

How to remove Player Location Check plugin app from Mac

How to remove Player Location Check plugin app from Mac

Find out how the Player Location Check plugin can play dirty on a Mac, what unwanted effects it causes, and how to completely uninstall it from a computer.

Yandex Search redirect virus removal from Mac

Yandex Search redirect virus removal from Mac

Learn what kind of a threat the Yandex Search redirect virus is and how to remove it from a Mac computer so that the browsers work as intended.