Bitdefender Antivirus for Mac review
From this detailed review of Bitdefender Antivirus for Mac, learn about its usability, features, protection efficiency, and product support.
Combatting Mac OS X / iOS Malware with Data Visualization 2
As Remy Baumgarten proceeds with his presentation of Mach-O Viz, a solution for Mac OS X and iOS malware analysis, he dwells on the tool’s entire feature set broken into a variety of options for generating and viewing visualized data about a file of interest. Also, the expert provides a demo of how the application handles the samples of code for some known Mac malware.
Combatting Mac OS X / iOS Malware with Data Visualization
Computer security expert and researcher Remy Baumgarten presents a tool for Mac malware analysis called Mach-O Viz at Decon 21 event.
OS X Anti-Forensics Techniques 3 - Expanding the Attack Space
The final part of the Grugq’s HIRBSecConf presentation includes an outline and description of more attack vectors, and a Questions and Answers section.
OS X Anti-Forensics Techniques 2 - Assaulting OS X
Proceeding with presenting his research on Mac OS X anti-forensics techniques, the Grugq now delves into HFS+ file system attacks.
OS X Anti-Forensics Techniques - How the Leopard Hides His Spots
The Grugq, a well-known anti-forensics researcher, outlines the key issues related to counter-forensics for the OS X platform during HIRBSecConf event.