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Bitdefender Antivirus for Mac review

From this detailed review of Bitdefender Antivirus for Mac, learn about its usability, features, protection efficiency, and product support.

David Balaban
David Balaban

Combatting Mac OS X / iOS Malware with Data Visualization 2

As Remy Baumgarten proceeds with his presentation of Mach-O Viz, a solution for Mac OS X and iOS malware analysis, he dwells on the tool’s entire feature set broken into a variety of options for generating and viewing visualized data about a file of interest. Also, the expert provides a demo of how the application handles the samples of code for some known Mac malware.

David Balaban
David Balaban

Combatting Mac OS X / iOS Malware with Data Visualization

Computer security expert and researcher Remy Baumgarten presents a tool for Mac malware analysis called Mach-O Viz at Decon 21 event.

David Balaban
David Balaban

OS X Anti-Forensics Techniques 3 - Expanding the Attack Space

The final part of the Grugq’s HIRBSecConf presentation includes an outline and description of more attack vectors, and a Questions and Answers section.

John Dee
John Dee

OS X Anti-Forensics Techniques 2 - Assaulting OS X

Proceeding with presenting his research on Mac OS X anti-forensics techniques, the Grugq now delves into HFS+ file system attacks.


OS X Anti-Forensics Techniques - How the Leopard Hides His Spots

The Grugq, a well-known anti-forensics researcher, outlines the key issues related to counter-forensics for the OS X platform during HIRBSecConf event.
